
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Back to school links

I don't have too much more to add to the things everyone else has already said about the death of Lauren Bacall last month. I regret to say that outside of her movies with Humphrey Bogart, I haven't seen much of her other films. For instance, I saw How to Marry a Millionaire long ago, during my video store days. I think I saw Young Man with a Horn recently, but I don't remember. That's about it. I suspect the movies with Bogey are so iconic, loom so large in people's memories, that it's easy to forget the other stuff she did, but she worked well into the 21st century. She had a full life and a fine career. Can't ask for much more.

As you've noticed by now, I have a new home on Tumblr. Facebook was pissing me off; I was losing posts for no particular reason, which was a pain because sometimes I need to go back and refer to a link I posted there and it would be gone. So that's why I decided to shut down my page there. The Tumblr page will serve the exact same function. Head on over and take a look and let me know what you think of it.

So after all that talk about going to outdoor movies this summer, I ended up fizzling out on them. Why? A number of reasons: the weather, working on the book, abrupt changes of plan, general apathy. I dunno. I don't think I'm getting tired of them, but maybe I am.

Your links for this month:

Page tours the museum devoted to Gone With the Wind author Margaret Mitchell.

Danny breaks down the Jimmy Cagney classic Public Enemy in grand fashion.

Aurora recaps her time at CapitolFest.

If you haven't been following Fritzi's "Cooking With the (Silent) Stars" feature, you really oughta. She's found a 1929 Photoplay cookbook which features movie stars of the day endorsing recipes, and she's cooking them.

Jennifer's written a novel! And classic movies helped her write it.

Ellen Burstyn, age 81, is gonna direct her first movie.

Film projectionists know their time is coming soon.

Superstar cameos in blockbuster movies is a thing now, and it's a bit of a problem.

Why some comic books adapt to the movies harder than others.

Kirk Douglas remembers Lauren Bacall.


  1. The most recent film I saw Lauren Bacall in was Dogville. Bacall and Lars Von Trier - not two names most people associate!

  2. Yeah, that definitely stood out for me when I saw it on her IMDB page!

  3. Fascinating movie, BTW. Worth seeing.

  4. LVT is kinda hit or miss for me but I'll keep that in mind.


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