
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Terrorthon delayed on account of LIFE

I don't know if you noticed... but now is probably not the best time to host a blogathon about scary things in movies. There have been more than enough scary things going on in America lately. As a result, Page and I have decided to put our blogathon on hold for awhile out of respect. We'll let you know when we're ready to go again. Apologies to everyone involved, but we think this is the right thing to do.


  1. Just say the word when you're ready.

  2. Oh no. I never saw this post & wasn't sure of the schedule so I just wrote it & posted anyway. Sorry. :(

  3. No big deal, as long as you still have it by the time we start again.

  4. Rich, Page, I don't blame you for deciding to postpone the TERRORTHON for the time being. Talk about life happening to people while they're busy making other plans, to slightly paraphase John Lennon!

    All of us here hope with all our hearts that things will get far better for everyone who's been affected by the tragedies in Boston and West Texas.


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