
Saturday, August 18, 2012

For my 500th post...

I wanted to have this fall on the 16th, which was the second anniversary of WSW, but things didn't quite work out that way. No big deal. Both milestones come as a surprise to me, however. I've said it before, but writing this blog has been a real learning experience for me in more ways than one. If this is your first post, or if you've been with me from the early days, or anything in between, thank you. I'm still experimenting, still playing around with formats and trying to find what works and what doesn't, and I'm always open to suggestions.

I totally did not originally plan to do two City Mouse strips in the same week. I wasn't sure how to approach the TCM SUTS Blogathon in the beginning. I've committed to doing three pieces, and I soon realized I didn't want to have them all be the same, especially after such a pedestrian first post. So I decided to go in a radically different direction. I was already working on the CM strip you're about to read, but I had to put it aside because I only had a week to make the SUTS strip and my schedule was thrown out of whack, like it often is. No matter, though - I'm here, you're here, and so is, once again...


  1. Congrats on 500 good sir - and on two years of writing! I might not comment as much as I should, but do know that I stop in to read everything you write and create.

    Keep it coming - here's to another two years and another 500 posts!

    1. Thanks. Good to know you're still out there.

  2. Congrats, Rich! Keep up the good work.

  3. Nice post. Congratulations on 500! And here I was getting psyched about approaching a mere 100! Keep posting and thanks for keeping the nosalgia and joy of classic film alive!


  4. Always good to see a new face.

  5. Congratulations on 500 posts! I'm nowhere near a milestone on mine, but your 500th post happened to land on my birthday. :)

  6. HAPPY belated blog birthday!!! Sorry I missed it. WOW, you are so freakishly talented man, you should have this published! As for your blog, here's to 500 more!

  7. Publishing is definitely part of the plan.

  8. I just found your City Mouse strips, Rich. I love them! This one is very well done -- I hate to sound ignorant, but who is the masked man who shows himself at the end? I can't tell who it is supposed to be -- my first thought was Ted Turner because that would be some cool irony, but am I right? Good stuff! I LOVE the Cagney strip, best I think. You are talented!

  9. I thought that might be a problem. It's supposed to be Robert Osborne. (Check out the TCM arm patch on his right arm.)

    Glad you like my comics.

  10. Now that I look at it and read it again, you certainly gave enough clues that I didn't catch - which makes me clueLESS! LOL! And I must say, your drawings far exceed any artistic talent I have -- I never could get past stick people!

  11. Some people make out very well with stick people.

    Thanks again. Hope you like the new CM strip.


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